Sunday, October 5, 2008

My first visit to the Eye and Ear Hospital

8.55 p.m

Today not so very good news O_o

I went to the emergency Department of the Eye and Ear Hospital. It's my very first visit there. Everything was starting out well in the morning. Do you believe it, I actually forgot today is daylight savings!!! I woke up at what I thought was 9.30am in the morning, thinking, "Cool, I still got one and a half hours before church, I'll eat my birthday cheesecake topped vith vanilla ice-cream that Alicia brought..:P" As usual, food is the first thought that comes into my mind(not even my bf has that honour :P) Even on Sabbath Day. :P So there was I, with my cheesecake and vanilla ice cream on the side, about to dig into my 'breakfast' and watch Video Hits on Channel 10, when my mobile rang. Guess who? It was my pastor, Gordon.

(I was thinking in my mind, oh, he's probably calling to ask me to usher)

Gordon : " Adeline, do you know today's daylight savings? Church is about to start in 15 minutes"


Then my cousin smsed me. She just came back from Korea, so I texted her back to ask whether she knew about daylight savings....I am so ashamed to write this out next: She, who just came back, actually knew about it and I didn't!!!!

Anyway, after church, while we were having fellowship lunch together, Gordon (the same pastor I mentioned above) suddenly asked me: "Adeline can you see stars over there?"

"No, there are stars behind you" (I thought he was joking)

"I can't see on this left eye...everything's fuzzy, I can only see your face clearly with my right eye"

We (my cell group) were beginning to be alarmed. In the end we took him to the Eye and Ear hospital.

Can you believe it, while we were there 5 big tough policemen came in escorting 2 male prisoners in handcuffs. (Even their feet were hand cuffed). I was trying to catch the eye of one of the prisoners but damn it, he wouldnt look at me! :P They were given top priority and were escorted into ER straightaway.

After that Gordon's wife showed up and he told us to go as it would take hours. Can you believe it, in Emergency still have to wait 2 hours!!!! We went to Fitzroy Gardens where Gary took out his home made cheesecake and cookies, and Fion took some funny pictures of us. I'm now waiting for Simon to put them up on FB so I can post them here!


berryli said...

OH DEAR!!! Is Gordon ok?? Can't believe u actually didn't know about daily savings and was syok syok sendiri thinking u had time :D

Cyn said...

Are you okay? Hmm, it's weird how DST for Melb and Edmonton are different. Ours is November 2.