Sunday, November 2, 2008

just another sunday

Sun 2/11/08
6.30 pm

Another beautiful Sunday, well, it started out beautiful, now it's drizzling with gloomy overcast sky. The weather here in Melbourne is as changeable as my moods :P Which means you can actually get 4 seasons in one day - starts off sunny and bright, changing to dark and overcast later in the afternoon to a thunderstorm late in the evening, and finally , hail. Therefore Melburnians are prepared with thick coats, even on a nice summer's day. And most bring a little umbrella in their handbags. :D

I have been feeling ecstatic of late, as my parents most likely will be here on 10/12 for 3 weeks for my brother's graduation. :) Hopefully their "waiting list" tickets get confirmed.

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