Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Char Kuay teow...yummm~~

5.15 pm
Guess where I went today for lunch? I took the train (yes, all the way) to Malaysia Gardens in the suburb of Clayton to have a long craved for meal of...char kuay teow! yes...the things I do for food! To justify, I did have to see my tax accountant to do my tax returns (who is in Springvale, two suburbs away from Clayton) hence I justified my visit to Malaysia Gardens as "on the way". After all, I do deserve a nice meal after a long 45 minute train ride! :P
Started getting chatty with the accountant (who is Vietnamese) and ended up promoting Sabah! lol He was looking for a nice country to visit for the Xmas holidays, and asked me about Brunei. I told him three words: DONT GO THERE! LOL
ended up having to pay $385 for my tax returns!
oh, and these are the goodies my cousin got back frm Korea! There's this really cool bookmark and Korean green tea with brown rice! perfect for a cold winter evening!


HBK said... come I don't get those bookmarks???

berryli said...

the trouble u go through JUST FOR FOOD.. ur blog is perfectly name..