Monday, October 6, 2008


Mon 6/10/08
9.30 p.m

Another Monday...I didn't want to go to work today...if there's a word for Mondays I'd call this Monday-itis.

Guess what I had for dinner today??!! After my useless good-for-nothing brother rang me to tell me he would be out and not cooking dinner tonight as promised previously, I went off to buy mushroom and shaved leg ham to cook some...(what I call - "IMPROVISED" carbonara :D)

At first I was just gonna be lazy and cook Indo Mie...then realised there was only half a packet left.:P..and was too lazy to walk an extra street to Melbourne Central Chinatown. :P

p.s: I had the runs yesterday ...whilst in church AND waiting with Gordon in ER...kinda made it hard for me to focus on singing songs in church :P (just wanted to keep farting and it was agony holding that in) I wonder whether it's due to that deadly combo of vanilla ice cream + birthday cheesecake? O_o anyway I did a trial today of just having cheesecake for breakfast and I was ok. maybe I should just stick to one or the other, hmm maybe I can try having them at intervals instead of together.

1 comment:

berryli said...

haven't had indomee for ages, u should really quit eating that :p I have this "day"-itis every day I have to work, lol