Saturday, October 4, 2008

My very first blog entry!

Sat 4/10/08

whee! can't believe this is my very first blog entry! (well after Friendster anyway :P) so here I am,sitting at my laptop (or rather, my brother's for that matter) mucking around this website trying to figure out how to work things..gee, technology these days!

oh, and I had Vietnamese beef "pho" noodle soup for dinner today! A Viet friend taught me to mix barbecue and chilli sauce together in the soup, and throw in some chilli oil..and there you have it...scrumptious! And the best place to have it? Why, Footscray of course! Nothing beats Footscray for authentic Viet cuisine...I met a friend whom I haven't seen in a while and there we were, slurping on the noodles while having a good bitch about life!

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